Tuesday, August 9, 2016

2 years?!

How is my baby 2 years old?! We were getting ready for bed yesterday and he laid in my arms, looked up at me, and smiled (before running off to cause trouble) and i couldn't believe how fast he grew up! People are right when they say the days are slow but the years go by fast!

2 years ago!!

The start of his birthday week was definitely one that I don't want to re-live. Over the weekend he started to get a cold, not acting 100% like himself, but still running around like normal. On Monday I got a call from his preschool that he was coughing alot, causing himself to throw up. Usually when this happens, he needs a day or two of his asthma medicine before the cough calms down. On Monday night though, he had a rough night of sleep. He cried almost every hour, I gave him medicine, his inhaler, etc but he was just not able to be comfortable. Tuesday morning (the day before his birthday), he was just not himself at all. He didn't eat, just wanted milk, and was not happy at all. After dropping Evie off at school, he was just havnig such a hard time with his cough and his breathing that I called his ped and asked what I should do. Its pretty common for him to get bad coughs since he has been diagnosed with reactive airway disease (asthma symptoms in young kids), but this one seemed worse than usual. I ended up bringing him in and right away the pediatrician called for her nurse to get meds and the nebulizer. We started 3 nebulizer treatments within several hours. The ped talked to me about how she was debating whether or not to send him to the ER depending on how the treatments went. Luckily she was a former ER pediatrician so she knew what medicines he needed and he responded pretty well to it. I felt terrible for waiting so long to bring him to the dr, but the night before he was just running around like normal. But within 12 hours, he just seemed to crash. Thankfully after the nebulizer treatments and oral steroids he was able to go home, still weak, but breathing much more normally but it was a close call that i never want to see him like that ever again.

He ended up having Hand Foot Mouth, which is a very common kid disease that Evie has had multiple times, and Micah has had once, (different strains of course) but with his reactive airway diseases, it just went from okay to bad so fast.

On his birthday :-( :-(

Over the next couple days he started to become more and more like his old self. He did have to take 5 days of oral steroids,which causes hyperactivity (an understatement). So it was a week of pure terrible two craziness, along with a threenager who was having trouble with me giving him so much attention. I'm thankful that he recovered almost fully in a week and that we are back to our normal routine. It definitely is a reminder to me how fragile kids and our lives are, and how easily things can go from okay to bad.

Now he will need to take asthma medicine every day, and at the first sign of a cough he needs albuterol, to make sure his lungs stay open, so hopefully we will never get to that state again.

Now onto his update, he is about 26lb and 34in. His weight % dropped to about 40%, and his height % went up to about 32%. So it looks like he's getting leaner! He's very vocal. He says 3-4 word sentences regularly. His favorites are "I don't like that Mommy" (when giving him medicine), "Evie, where are you?", "Here you go", "More milk please Mommy",  and of course "Mommy, uppy!" (which means pick me up. hehe). He loves being around his friends at school, and joins a group of kids he doesn't know easily. He can be very mischevious, which i think stems from being bored. So when he has nothing else to do, he will go and pick on his sister, taking her stuff, pinching her, etc. We're trying to work on that with him, and hopefully it doesn't get worse. He hasn't gone through too much of the terrible twos (besides last week...)  but usualy if hes cranky its because hes tired or hungry. I'm hoping we don't see too much of the terrible twos as that was my least favorite stage with Evie! He's definitely a jokester, and loves making people laugh. He loves it when you copy him and he loves to bust a move. Seriously i think when he grows up he'll either be an engineer, or a hip hop dancer. hah and either would be awesome. 

Funny faces with mama!

Him with his cousin dog

Future ladies man, current mama's boy!!

Friday, February 19, 2016

3 years 3 months and 1.5 years old

Its been way too long since an update! I guess life is way busier than I think.


My baby girl turned 3 back in November! How is she already 3?? She is learning so much these days. She can write most of the letters in the alphabet and numbers. She can almost write her name without assistance. She is starting to "read" a bit, she is recognizing some letters that go together.  She eats alphabet chicken nuggets and said "E-V-A spells eva!" her friend at school!

She can ride a bicycle, scooter, and getting better at climbing up the playground (albeit cautiously of course... just like mama). She is starting to do puzzles. she can do 24 piece puzzles by herself. 48 seems too daunting for her though or she just has a short attention span because she always gives up before she finishes!

On most days she does well. Shes pretty easy to reason with and talk to. When shes tired or sick though, oh the whining and the tantrums! threenager alert! Luckily it isn't super often... hopefully it stays that way!


Micah is TROUBLE. ;-) thats the only word i can use to describe him. Just kidding. He's a very sweet boy, but loves to get into everything he's not supposed to be in. We have to watch him super closely or else he's in the trash can, in the dog food, playing with the dog water, messing up his sisters stuff, running into the street. all of that. maybe we had it easy with evelyn because she is so cautious. we never had to baby proof for her but now, everything is baby proofed bc of this trouble maker.

Right now hes starting to say some 2-3 word phrases. His favorites are "Let it go" (his sister is rubbing off on him!", "mama up please", "one more". he loves dancing. he found evies old elmo doll a week or so ago and has been attached to it ever since! "mo-mo" is what he calls elmo! so cute. he's getting good at his animals and their sounds. he's getting better at using a plate/fork/spoon. we're working on him not dumping it on the ground when hes done... we're making progress!

Another new thing i've experience with him is a real live tantrum! evelyn never tantrumed in that she never really rolled on the ground screaming. she will cry/scream uncontrollably but that is her version of a tantrum. Micah started having some tantrums where he'll get on the ground and roll around! omg its actually pretty entertaining. luckily he's easily distracted and i can snap him out of it pretty fast.
but wow, hopefully we don't see that escalating anytime soon.

I love seeing the two of them play together. He loves copying his big sis and i love when I see them laughing and playing together. But Micah loves taking whatever shes playing with so we are working on sharing and not messing each others things.

Friday, October 2, 2015

14 months!


Size Clothing: Hes starting to get too big for 12-18 month clothing so onto 18 and 18-24 mo clothing! :-/

Milestones: I feel like he is so much more verbal and communicative than evie was at his age! i checked back at evies old blog posts and right now micah's talking the same at 14 mo that evie was saying at 15.5 mo! so definitely a bit faster on the verbal skills. His list of words are : book, bye, mama, more, hi, back,cheese, this, thank, please, kiss, dada and he signs more, all done, kiss, thank you, please and eat. He is also shaking his head yes when we ask him questions and do things on command like stand, kiss, hi bye cheese etc.

his CHEESE face

we are still not walking yet! altho he is standing from a sit position and will take 1 step at a time. i think he gets excited when we get excited so he just sits back down after a step. hopefully by the end of the month he'll be walking! so much easier once he can walk on his own! hes not eating as well this month but it might be teething? hes still stuck at 6 teeth but drooling on and off so maybe more are on the way? 

His sleep and schedule is the same as the last couple months. He is starting to drop to 1 nap most days of the week. I do try to get 2 naps out of him on the days i'm working from home which seems to be working out! 

In big sis' car! This guy is very curious about how things work so he kept trying to open the door himself and finally got it and sat inside. I'm thinking future engineer!

Big world out there...

Friday, September 4, 2015

13 months!


Size Clothing: Hes in 12-18 month clothes and size 4 shoes still! 

Milestones: He says book, bye, mama, more, hi, and back. Back is definitely a random word, but he knows it because his favorite song right now is walk the moon and every time we sing "don't you dare look back" he always says back on cue! he waves hi and bye when he says the words. he isn't walking yet. he stands for brief periods of time and will walk really well with a walker, but won't let go! hehe he seems to be on the same pace as evelyn. we also paci weaned last month! evelyn didn't have a paci so we never went through that with her but micahs pediatrician could tell he sucked on something snice his teeth were starting to push out so she told us to start weaning. it was actually quite painless and he barely noticed it was gone thankfully! Hes on whole cows milk now. he had no problems transitioning the second time (the first time he had an allergic reaction that seemed to coincide with our first attempt at wcm but apparently wasn't related). no diarrhea, no constipation, etc. so different from when evelyn transitioned! and shes still having milk issues at almost 3yo! :-/

Schedule: 7am- wakeup,  8am- breakfast (milk)  nap 9-11am, 11-snack (water), 1230-lunch (milk) nap 2-4pm, 4pm-snack(water), 530pm-dinner (milk), 730pm-some milk! 

Sleep:  He sleeps about 730pm-7am. his naps are about 9-11am and 2-4 ish at home. at daycare he naps from around 12-2! 
Loves music and dance (thanks KT!!)

Trying to figure out what a library is :-p

This apparently did not wake up daddy! 

Too cool for school

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

My baby is 1!!!

I didn't realize i haven't updated this blog in 3 months!! My poor 2nd child. I love him so much but life is just so busy. Here's our one year update!

Weight: 21lb 11oz (55%)

Height: 2ft 5in (16%)

Head Circumference: 46.25cm (53%)

Size Clothing: Hes in 12-18 month clothes and size 4 shoes! 

Milestones: He started regular crawling around 11 months old! He has been cruising for a couple months now and finally a week ago he started letting go and standing on his own! I predict he won't be walking for another month or so, earlier than Evie tho (15months for her!). He is signing "More" and "All done". He might be saying more and mama too but i'm not 100% sure. He loves to point at his favorite characters (elmo!) and claps at himself after he points. He loves when people are singing and will dance right away. He's eating like a champ. I'm pretty sure he eats more than Evelyn at this point. Hes catching up to her in weight! 

First haircut!

Schedule: 7am- wakeup, milk, 8am- breakfast  nap 9-11am, 11:30am-lunch , nap 2-330pm, 330pm-snack, 530pm-dinner, 730pm-some milk! 

Sleep:  He sleeps about 730pm-7am. his naps are about 9-11am and 2-330 ish at home. at daycare he naps from around 12-130! 

Loves swimming!

Who me??

Love for his GF

He's too cool for school! 

Loves his selfies! ;-P

Getting into trouble already

More trouble!

Playing in the mall play area! He loves it!

Playing with his birthday present... upside down that is!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

9 months!

ahh sorry micah man! i missed last months post :-( we were in the middle of moving from one house to another and i didn't have time to write a post. :-( 

Waiting for some mexican food!

Weight: 20lb 1.6oz (56%)

Height: 2ft3.5in (14%)

Head Circumference: 45cm(47%)

Size Clothing: Hes in mostly 12 month and 6-12 month clothing! i need to get him new clothes though because pants are getting too small! :-(

Milestones: He's army crawling FAST! and he's fearless so he will climb around on anything and everything. he's eating finger foods and drinking from a straw pretty well. he can stand a little bit but can't pull up himself. he is babbling like crazy and loves smiling and laughing at people. he has 6 teeth (4 came up at once!!) and still drooly so maybe more?? 

Super happy baby

Schedule: 7am- bottle, 8am- waffle/eggs/sausage/cereal, nap 9-11am, 11am-bottle, 12pm-whatever we're eating!, nap 2-330pm, 330pm-bottle, 530pm-whatever we're eating!, 730pm-bottle! 

Sleep:  He still sleeps about 8pm-7am. his naps are about 9-11am and 2-330 ish at home. at daycare we're lucky if we get an hour!

Wishes he could have some too.. 

His favorite things: playing with big sis! being around people, eating everything he can (including dog food and things he shouldn't be eating), crawling and exploring, wagon rides!

 family time!

loves eating!

evie took this pic of him! haha